Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hopefully one day I will be remembered for my writing (rather than my crying!)

How wonderful...I woke this morning to find an email from the British owners of the house I rented in the French village of Alet during my adventure around the world.

I laughed at Steve's words, "Your visit to Alet is remembered with great affection by Freha, Christophe and Anne (and by us although we didn't actually get to meet you)!" because although we never met, they were victim to my melodramatic personality when I rang begging to return to their house as seen in the following extract from my book:

The next morning in a bid to change my unhappy disposition I rang the owners of my old house, a lovely couple from Bristol in England and explained that I had already paid for my apartment in Esperaza but was prepared to forfeit my money if they could give me a reduced rate for another two week stay back at their beautiful home in Alet. Very kindly they agreed, which I believe was due in part to the fact that my request was made in between loud and uncontrollable sobbing. I was so thrilled and rang Christophe, who having already been informed of my plight (as had the rest of the village) assured me that he would be there in half an hour to collect us (apparently Nicolas on his way home the previous evening from dinner with me had stopped at Christophe’s where another party was being held and declared to all that, “Rebekah needed saving!” All present informed him of their desire to help my cause and as a result I was to dwell no longer in my current house of gloom).

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